Periodically I like to take a look back to see what I was doing this time last year. It’s fun to see where I was, what I was doing, and how things have changed. The biggest thing that was going on a year about at this time was our move back up to Madison, Mississippi. It was actually a very scary ...
Emma Kate’s 6 Month Pictures
Hey guys! We had an amazing weekend over here, an dI hope you did, too. My parents came in town for Emma Kate’s baby dedication, Bobby and I ran a 5k, and we had family over for a BBQ after church yesterday. More on that later though! When Emma Kate turned six months old, we had professional ...
Easter Weekend 2015
A late happy Easter to everyone! I hope you had a fun weekend with friends and family. We did, but it went by sssoooo fast, I’m sad it’s over! Thursday night Bobby and I dyed Easter eggs, then forgot to put them in the refrigerator, whoops! Also we kind of made a mess, but love having a place ...
A Day in the Life…January 2015
I last did one of these posts at the end of October, and since babies change so quickly, I wanted to do another one. Today was a bit out of the ordinary because Bobby was home sick for a half day, but other than him being at home to help, this pretty much sums up my days. 5:30: I hear some noises ...
2015 Goals
I waver back and forth with how I feel about New Year’s Resolutions. On one hand, I think it’s silly to wait until January to start something new or take control of your life. On the other hand, it is exciting to have a fresh start at the beginning of a new year, and to get hyped about doing things ...
Emma Kate: Month 3
My little baby is no longer a newborn! Her third month was very eventful with the holidays, and it’s fascinating to watch how quickly she is learning new things. My little girl is definitely showing us her personality, and boy is it a strong one! When she wants to eat or go to sleep, she ...