I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! Another one has (sadly) come and gone. It’s always depressing to come home after the holidays and see all of my Christmas decorations still up. It makes me want to just take them down and wait for next year. We had a great time with family, and while ...
Cheers To
Christmas is my favorite time of year. I am big on tradition and doing fun and special holiday themed things with my family. I am so glad that in the age of smart phones, we have an easy way to capture and upload our favorite memories for all to see, and well…not to mention I am totally obsessed ...
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Last Monday, we had to say goodbye to a family member. My sweet 13 year old toy poodle, Sasafrass, went over the rainbow bridge on December 1. Over the summer when we first moved back to central Mississippi, we were really excited that our dogs would get to go back to our old veterinarian. We ...
Christmas Decorating 2014
We decided to decorate our house for Christmas a week early this year since my parents are coming in town for Thanksgiving and I’m not sure if they will be back before Christmas. Of course it was cold all last week, but warm the day we decorated, it was typical Mississippi weather for you. Not very ...
What I’m Loving: Newborn Addition
I have done posts about what I am loving before, but I thought it was time to do a baby edition. I always enjoyed seeing what products other moms used so hopefully someone finds this helpful! Infanito Go GaGa Gym: This is a great place to do tummy time with your baby, and Emma Kate loves ...
Emma Kate’s Newborn Photos: By Destiny Tillery
When I was six months pregnant, I started looking around for photographers for Emma Kate’s newborn pictures. I haven’t had professional photos done since our wedding, we had the best wedding photographers in nyc. It’s just not something we typically spend money on. However, I knew I wanted newborn ...