On the 24th, we celebrated Emma Kate's half birthday. With all the madness in our world right now with the virus, we decided to make it extra special and I even gave her a couple of small gifts to go along with her cake. I feel like we really need to celebrate every little thing right now, so why ...
Avoiding Dangerous Situations For Your Family
There are plenty of dangers in life that we should all look out for. It can help to make sure that you and your family are safe and can live a worry-free life for the most part when it comes to the security and health of your family. Here are some things to do when avoiding dangerous situations for ...
Lately, January 2020
I feel like I haven't really done a "catch up" post lately just to let you know how we have been doing. Time is passing so quickly, sometimes I forget what I have shared and what I haven't. I post a lot of content on Instagram and Instagram stories, so be sure you are following me there for updates. ...
Moving With Children Without Losing Your Mind
As much as we do love them, thereโs no denying that kids can succeed in making a situation a lot more stressful when we could really use the easy win. We have moved more than one with Emma Kate, and it has definitely not been my favorite. Moving day can be demanding enough, but when you have someone ...
Christmas Recap 2019
It's the last day of 2019, and I have really enjoyed NOT being at my laptop, and just spending time with family. However I did want to get a Christmas recap post up before the new year, so here is our Christmas eve and Christmas in few words and lots of photos. Hope yours was merry and ...
Favorite Posts of 2019
As 2019 comes to a close, I have been doing a lot of reflecting. It's not only a good business practice but a good thing for life in general. To see what worked, what didn't, what we need to rid our lives of or do more of. So I thought it would be fun to post some of my favorite blog posts from ...