Note: This post is about body image, weight loss, and eating. If this may be a trigger for you, please feel free to skip this post and come back tomorrow. I have an exciting announcement for that post! Well, here we are. I had a baby a year ago. Today is actually my due date, but we all know Emma ...
New Naked Juice and Giveaway
Mornings in my house can be pretty hectic. Everyone is trying to get out the door to start their day, and especially on days when the baby goes to daycare I don’t always have time to sit down and eat breakfast. As a multi tasker, it works better for me to gets things done WHILE making sure I get ...
The Instagram Life
Let’s face it. We all do it...Taking 25 photos to get the perfect shot for Instagram. We change the lighting, telling our kids to smile or they aren’t getting dessert, and frantically try to get the perfect shot before someone has a meltdown (I may or may not be talking about myself with the ...
Lorna Jane Fit Challenge: February Update
It has now been a month since I started the Lorna Jane fit challenge. I will admit I didn’t have my whole heart in it this month because 1.) I am marathon training and 2.) I went on a much needed vacation. My marathon is in two weeks and I plan to go big or go home after that with the challenge, ...
Weekly Training Recap 2015: Week 3
Now that I have at least four races I am training for, I think it will be helpful for me to go back to posting my weekly workouts here on the blog. It will help me hold myself accountable as I go forward. I have added a lot of distance since having Emma Kate, but my times are not where I thought ...
Body After Baby: One Month
I posted Emma Kate’s one month update last week, and now it’s time for my update! I know these types of posts can be kind of touchy, so please keep in mind 1.) I have been cleared by my doctor for running, and 2.) These are MY personal feelings on my body, my progress, etc. Everyone is different, ...