WOW! On November 15th 2009, I wrote my first blog post. Back then, I was still Running With Sass, and not only starting out on my blogging journey, but also on my running journey. January 2010, my first race expo! I say this a lot, but if you had told me four years ago I would blog nearly ...
October Look Back to 2012
These are always fun posts to write, and I can honestly say I am SO glad I am not in the same boat I was in at this time last year. While I do have a cold, I am not near as sick as I was last October! Never thought I would end up in urgent care two hours after this photo was taken. We got ...
Under Armour Visit Part 4: My Yoga Attempt
Hey guys! Be sure to catch up on parts one, two, and three of my trip before reading today’s post! We left off with our amazing dinner out in Baltimore before heading to bed. We woke up bright and early for another jam packed day of fun, starting with some rooftop yoga. Now, if you know ...
Meal Preparation: A Key Element of a Healthy Lifestyle
Hey yall! Aint gonna lie, I am one exhausted little blogger. My flight was delayed and I didn’t get back to NOLA until 8:00 last night, and now I have to drive home this morning and start to get “back to normal”. Never fear, I plan to tell you ALL about my Under Armour experience. I am waiting on ...
10 Simple Ways to Stay Healthy During Your Family Getaway
**Please enjoy today’s guest post, there is also a GIVEAWAY at the bottom you won’t want to miss! ***FREE DINING and a new room only discount are out for Disney World this fall! VERY limited availability, email for details.*** Eating healthy and maintaining your ...
RWS Features #38
Wow it’s been awhile since I have done a RWS Feature! Time to bring them back, since there are so many amazing bloggers to highlight! But first, what’s everyone doing this weekend? I will be watching football, working, cleaning, you know the usual. This past week flew by because I was so ...