Money is a source of worry for a lot of people, especially this year. Not only do you worry about your financial situation now, but what your finances will look like in the future can make you worry too. You want to protect your family and make sure you're all going to be comfortable, but you can't ...
The Best Tips For Home Workouts
Even though some gyms are opening back up again, some may not have the hours they used to, some may not reopen at all and some people may prefer to keep up a routine at home. If you haven’t begun working out at all then maybe now is the time to start a routine. Your body will thank you! ...
3 Tips For Quarantine Money Management
If you are lucky enough to have kept your job over the COVID-19 pandemic, you might be wondering how best to manage your money at this time. Like so many people, you might have spent months indoors, canceling vacations, home-schooling the kids and generally staying in (and probably going crazy)! If ...
How Parents Can Help Kids Coming Out Of Quarantine
The past few months have been incredibly tough on all of us. As parents, we have struggled to manage family life and our work without the support of childcare that we usually rely upon. This has manifested itself in a range of emotional and physical quarantine responses. And as the conditions slowly ...
Entertaining Your Kids at Home on a Modest or Zero Budget Part 1
This is a guest post on entertaining your kids at home this summer written by Bobby Montgomery. Also, this post contains affiliate links meaning if you purchase from my links I get a small commission. Most parents have had a lot more time at home with their children lately. Schools are closed, ...
5 Ways to be More Efficient Working at Home
During this crazy time, you may be someone who hasn't ever worked from home and has found it as a new reality, or maybe you have always worked from home but realized over the years you have been less and less efficient. As a 3 on the enneagram, efficiency is my middle name, and I am here to give you ...