Today I wanted to talk a little bit about growing your Instagram following. As I prepare to launch my ecourse next month on making money from home as a social media manager, I want to make sure everyone gets up to speed with their own social profiles, and that you know the basics so you can dive ...
Get Out the Door and Run: Jeff Galloway Tips
I have written posts on being motivated to run before, but as a part of the Jeff Galloway blogger program, I was sent some great tips I wanted to share with you. Sometimes we can come up with every excuse in the book as to why a run today isn’t a good idea, but in the end, have you ever regretted a ...
How to Start Running Even When You Hate It
I have been running for several years now, and have gone through many ebbs and flows with my running love affair. There have honestly been more times when I hated running than times when I liked it. I know that sounds like a horrible thing for a “runner” to say, but for me, it’s the truth and I’m ...
10 Easy Ways to Save Money This Month
I recently moved from Mississippi to Florida. We quickly realized that it costs more in every sense of the word to live in our new state, so I have had to get creative with ways to save money every month while also decreasing our spending. Sometimes finding ways to save is just as important as ...
7 Things to Do When Life Gets Overwhelming
There are ebbs and flows in everyone’s life. The past few months have been categorized for me in one word: Overwhelming. Not always in a bad way, but overwhelming just the same. Sometimes I deal with things in a positive way, and sometimes I run around like my hair is on fire. Here are 7 of my best ...
5 Tips for Unplugging from Social Media
Ah, social media. I have quite the love/hate relationship with it. As a blogger, social media is a part of my job. It’s not realistic for me to never get on it all together, but I do realize that I spend way more time than necessary randomly scrolling, liking, and planning my next photo. I don’t ...