If you are lucky enough to have kept your job over the COVID-19 pandemic, you might be wondering how best to manage your money at this time. Like so many people, you might have spent months indoors, canceling vacations, home-schooling the kids and generally staying in (and probably going crazy)! If ...
Should Your Child Have A Skincare Routine?
When Emma Kate was a baby, she had several skin problems. Sure she had the typical diaper rash issues, but she also had very dry skin on her hands and face. I wish I knew then what I know now, and had developed a skincare routine from the get go! Developing a skincare routine for your baby or ...
How Parents Can Help Kids Coming Out Of Quarantine
The past few months have been incredibly tough on all of us. As parents, we have struggled to manage family life and our work without the support of childcare that we usually rely upon. This has manifested itself in a range of emotional and physical quarantine responses. And as the conditions slowly ...
My 35th Birthday
It's official, I am halfway through my 30's. How did this happen? I'm not going to get all sad about it though, and instead want to tell you about how much fun I had celebrating my birthday over the weekend! Saturday was pretty normal. Workout, clean the house, etc. Our "plan" was to go over to ...
The Enneagram Type 3
I have been kind of obsessed with Enneagram lately. I was a psychology major in college, and have always been super interested in why people do the things they do and say the things they say all based on their personality. Of course, as soon as I caught wind of this new trend, I had to take a free ...
My Top Facebook Tips for Bloggers and Businesses
Ah, Facebook. Time to chat about this social media platform and my top Facebook tips. If you have a page for your blog, business, store, etc, unfortunately, it has gotten very much pay to play. So if you are trying to sell a product or service, you may need to look into Facebook ads. However, ...