I like picking a word for the year because it forces me to sit down and really think about what I want to accomplish and focus on for the year ahead. It gives me an opportunity to be honest with myself and look at my flaws, failures, and shortcomings which, let's face it...isn't really fun. But I ...
Why You Should Form Habits One at a Time
Last week we talked about steps to forming new habits, and today we are going to talk about why you should form them one at a time. When you attempt to change too much at once, it becomes very difficult to stick with everything all at the same time. This can overwhelm you, frustrate you, and cause ...
Healthy Goals for 2019
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Babbleboxx and Planet Fitness. All opinions are my own. Here we are, two weeks into a new year, and I am just now getting time to think about my health and fitness goals for the year. If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know it started out as a ...
Episode 1: Goal Setting Strategies You May Not Want To Hear (But Will Work!)
Episode 1 of my new podcast is fitting for the new year, goal setting. In this episode I talk about the biggest reason you aren't reaching your goals, and we have a little chat about not making excuses (all said in love!) I give some calls to action to get your 2018 off on the right ...
September 2017 Goals
August really got away from me y'all. Honestly, I'm not complaining that it's gone because it was SO HOT. It's too hot to even go to the pool because the water isn't even cool. September is still stifling, but brings the hope of some temperatures in the 80's at least (I hope!) Before we look at my ...
August 2017 Goals
And just like that, my birthday month is over. So sad! To keep myself occupied, it's time to start getting excited about fall! (Even though around here "fall" means temps in the upper 80's as opposed to the upper 90's!) I'm so ready for football, a crisp fall breeze, and pumpkin spice lattes (YES I ...