Now that I am three weeks postpartum, I have started thinking about my post baby shape up plan. Even though I had a pretty good tear during delivery, my doctor gave me the ok to start going on slow strolls when I got home, and slowly resume workouts after two weeks if I felt up to it. I went for one ...
Being Ok With the New Me
Ok guys, it’s time to get real about pregnancy. I am so, so glad I am pregnant, and cannot wait to welcome baby M into the world in September, and am very aware of how blessed I am to be pregnant at all. However, I would be lying to you all if I, in my most perky, sparkly voice said I was totally ...
Hospital Week
Oh boy. What a whirlwind the past few days have been. I will be sharing fun photos and video from our gender reveal party tomorrow, but I am just still too tired today to write all about it and edit photos! So instead I will tell you what has been going on with my family the past few days. ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 16
16 weeks already, and more of my blogger friends are announcing pregnancies! I love it! So many babies coming this fall. I am now wearing maternity clothes full time when I am wearing “real” clothes, aside from some larger t-shirts and things. I have a long torso, so shirts are already almost too ...
Family First
Hey guys sorry I was MIA this weekend, but my grandmother is not doing well. Three weeks ago she fell and broke her hip and had surgery. She then went to a rehab place and was doing well and then Friday she was rushed to the ER. Her kidneys were shutting down and she was too weak for dialysis. ...
March 2014 Confessions
Ok guys, it’s confession time again. I have a few things weighing on me and thought it was time to ‘fess up! 1.) I am SO TIRED of running. There. I said it. Gulp. This chick is totally and completely burned out. I don’t want to train, I don’t want to race, nothing. The good news is, this has ...