Since I have been running on the track more and posting track photos, I have had more than one person ask me questions about the etiquette of running at a track. I thought I would break things up into two posts, one about basic track etiquette/running, and the other about some of my favorite ...
Gear for Race Day
I have had several people ask me what they should bring to or run with at a shorter distance local race. I have done packing lists for destination races but don’t think I have done anything about local or shorter distance races, so I wanted to share some gear for race day that I use. I feel ...
The Power of the Group
Below are some more tips from Jeff Galloway I received as a Jeff Galloway blogger. I especially love this set of tips, because it’s something I have been harping on for a few weeks now. I got out of my comfort zone to run with a group, and I am really enjoying it and hopefully it will make me ...
How to Afford Your First Home
I was recently reflecting on the fact that in just a few days, we will have been back in Madison, Mississippi for a YEAR! It has flown by for sure. Our current home We went from owning our home in Biloxi (which was our second house) to moving into a friends boathouse up here in Madison, to ...
Jeff Galloway Tips: 4 Ways to Energize Your Day and Clear Your Brain
As a Jeff Galloway blogger, I am provided with running tips to share with all of you. Here is the latest installment. Four Ways To Energize Your Day & Clear Your Brain By Olympian Jeff Galloway It's natural to become focused on the big things in life, and worry ...
Jeff Galloway Tips: Why We Get Injured
Here are some more great tips from Jeff Galloway about injury. I find these so interesting since I struggle with injury a lot. Hopefully they will help you to run injury free! Why do we get injured? 1. Be aware of irritation of weak links. The Key Weak Links are body parts where my runners ...