When we moved, I came to the conclusion that we have too much stuff. The things we have aren’t particularly expensive or fancy…just…STUFF we have accumulated over the past 14ish years of knowing each other. Also, when we unpacked the house, I found things still in boxes from when we moved last time! ...
Disney 2019 Vacation Recap: Part 6
In case you missed part 5, go back and read it here. We woke up on Thursday morning and my dad had left at about 5:00 that morning to drive back to Tampa for work. We loaded up the cars and then met a friend of mine for breakfast. This was the only day I broke my fast early for a delicious ...
Disney 2019 Vacation Recap: Part 5
If you missed part 4, you can check it out here first! We left off last time with our day at Hollywood Studios and a fun evening at Splitsville. The next day was our last full day (HOW does it go by so fast?!?) and we headed to EPCOT that morning. We actually arrived before it opened and had to ...
Disney 2019 Vacation Recap: Part 4
If you missed parts 1-3 go here for the link! After a long and fun day at Magic Kingdom, we slept well and were ready to hit up Hollywood Studios in the morning. Our plan was to go straight to Toy Story Land (just like everyone else.) We had fastpasses for Alien Swirling Saucers, which is ...
Disney 2019 Vacation Recap: Part 3
If you missed part one and part two be sure to check them out then come back to this one! We left off part two at the end of our fun day at the pool. We woke up the third day ready to go to our first park, Magic Kingdom! I knew this would be my favorite day so I was super excited. We would be ...
Disney 2019 Vacation Recap: Part 2
In case you missed part 1, you can go back and read it here. We left off at the end of our arrival day. When we planned this trip, we decided to do 3 days of parks. Since we had 4 full days, that meant one day would be a day at the resort. Since the parks are typically less crowded during the ...