Today is the big day! This morning I am headed off to my anatomy scan. We aren’t find out the gender until Saturday at the party, but I am looking to get a good report on baby M’s healthy from the scan. I am nervous/anxious/excited and don’t know how I am going to wait until Saturday to find ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 18
Another week has flown by. I do wish it would slow down a little! I have felt pretty good this week, some days I ever forget I am pregnant for a little while because I am feeling much more normal. The belly is definitely growing (sadly, along with other parts, ha!) and I can’t wait for my anatomy ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 16
16 weeks already, and more of my blogger friends are announcing pregnancies! I love it! So many babies coming this fall. I am now wearing maternity clothes full time when I am wearing “real” clothes, aside from some larger t-shirts and things. I have a long torso, so shirts are already almost too ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 14
Sorry for the lack of blog post yesterday, but Monday (the day I write for Tuesday) was a rough day for me and I just didn’t get to write anything. But today, I have my bumpdate for you all! 14 weeks, and finally officially in the 2nd trimester by all sources! Symptoms: Still a lot of the ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 12
I’m officially Bumpin’ over here! I know I will look back one day and laugh at how small I am, but for now, I feel huge! I went on a 2.5 mile run/walk yesterday. The weather was beautiful, so I had to take advantage. I have only been nauseated in the afternoon and evenings, so the mornings ...
March 2014 Confessions
Ok guys, it’s confession time again. I have a few things weighing on me and thought it was time to ‘fess up! 1.) I am SO TIRED of running. There. I said it. Gulp. This chick is totally and completely burned out. I don’t want to train, I don’t want to race, nothing. The good news is, this has ...