We celebrated having Emma Kate for a week yesterday, so I thought it was high time to start her birth story before I forgot everything! If you don’t care about birth stories, sometimes icky medical details and the like, you may want to skip this post and any other birth story posts. I told you ...
third trimester
Pregnancy Update: Week 39
Pure insanity. I cannot believe we are “here” and honestly in disbelief baby M hasn’t come yet (so is my doctor!) I so clearly remember being jealous of women this close to delivering when I was at the beginning feeling so sick and wondering how I was going to make it to the end of September. ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 38
So crazy to think I won’t have many more of these! I think baby M and I are both ready for this leg of our journey to be over (more me than her I imagine haha). (sorry for the picture quality, it was starting to get dark outside). Not a whole lot changes now form week to week, but I did have ...
Baby Pool Guessing
Today I am officially 38 weeks pregnant! I have my weekly doctor’s appointment this morning, and I am quite anxious to hear what she has to say. Last week we discussed possible induction, but it will depend on how I am progressing. I would prefer to go into labor on my own, but also don’t want to go ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 37
Here we are at 37 weeks! I had a really good appointment yesterday with my doctor and got to see baby M via ultrasound again! I can’t believe we will be seeing her “for real” soon! Symptoms: Feeling huge. I am getting to the “get this baby out of me” stage and am very uncomfortable no matter ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 36
One more week until I am considered full term! I fell like a ticking time bomb now, it’s so weird knowing I could go into labor any day. I had my weekly appointment yesterday, and I we discussed my constant cramping. She said baby M is right behind my pubic bone and probably pressing on some nerves, ...