So crazy to think I won’t have many more of these! I think baby M and I are both ready for this leg of our journey to be over (more me than her I imagine haha). (sorry for the picture quality, it was starting to get dark outside). Not a whole lot changes now form week to week, but I did have ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 36
One more week until I am considered full term! I fell like a ticking time bomb now, it’s so weird knowing I could go into labor any day. I had my weekly appointment yesterday, and I we discussed my constant cramping. She said baby M is right behind my pubic bone and probably pressing on some nerves, ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 35
Whew what a week! I have kind of an…interesting story to tell you, but I am going to save it for it’s own post tomorrow, but yes it has to deal with the pregnancy, and a trip to the hospital, ssoooo stay tuned. Symptoms: Things are progressing people! Baby M has definitely dropped, I can ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 34
6 weeks to go! I remember envying the women this close back when I was earlier in my pregnancy, and I can’t believe it’s me! I got back to the doctor in two weeks then after that every week, which blows my mind. I’m excited but petrified at the same time. I do not feel prepared, but am way more calm ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 33
33 weeks! It's getting real! I feel so unprepared. The crib isn't put together, car seat isn't installed, and I have yet to tour the hospital. Oy! Must. Get. Moving. This. Week. Symptoms: Nothing majorly different except I am getting more and more uncomfortable every day. My hips and back ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 32
No lie, the weeks are running together so much now I had to check my blog before I started writing to see what week I was in! I used to think women who couldn’t remember were crazy, I mean, how can you forget something so monumental, but it happens! So, here we are, week 32, and my baby is due ...