I know I am a little late, but better late than never! I can’t believe another month has come and gone and it’s time for another update. I know these updates aren’t liked by all, and that’s ok. For me though, I found body after baby posts SO helpful when I was pregnant. If I had not read what other ...
5 Must Have Holiday Items from Lorna Jane
This post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of Lorna Jane. I have heard a lot about the brand Lorna Jane in the past few months, but had never owned any of their clothes myself. I can now tell you that I see what all of the buzz is about! I received a top and pair of tights/pants, and I ...
Body After Baby: One Month
I posted Emma Kate’s one month update last week, and now it’s time for my update! I know these types of posts can be kind of touchy, so please keep in mind 1.) I have been cleared by my doctor for running, and 2.) These are MY personal feelings on my body, my progress, etc. Everyone is different, ...
My Post Baby Shape Up Plan
Now that I am three weeks postpartum, I have started thinking about my post baby shape up plan. Even though I had a pretty good tear during delivery, my doctor gave me the ok to start going on slow strolls when I got home, and slowly resume workouts after two weeks if I felt up to it. I went for one ...
Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Here I Come!
I mentioned awhile back that I would be running the Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans half marathon, but I finally got my rear in gear and officially registered! Bobby is registered too, so we will both be running the half in January. I am admittedly a little nervous as it will be my first half after ...
Pregnancy Update: Week 28
Hello third trimester! What a fun milestone to hit. I can confirm that the “honeymoon” phase of the 2nd tri is OVER and I am getting more uncomfortable every day. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful to have no serious complications so far, but I also underestimated back pain, inability to sleep, and ...